Monthly Archives: March 2009

50 Strategies to gain the upper hand over your opponent

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Here we are discussing some basic strategies that can give you advantage, however microscopic it may be. Of course there is always exception to the rules, but exceptions occur much less frequently than the normal situations, don’t they? These strategies are described from White’s point of view, so what is good for White is bad for Black and vice versa.

Pawn structures

  1. Pawns are strong when they are in a chain; try to avoid splitting them into isolated groups.
  2. Isolated or hanging pawns tend to be a liability, try to avoid at least till the end game.
  3. Pawn chain shapes that look like /\ (an inverted V) from your side tend to be stronger than those that look like a \/.
  4. Doubled pawns are weak, try to avoid getting them.
  5. If you can maintain center pawns, you get more options to organize attacks.
  6. Your own pawn chains may block free movement of your pieces, mainly the bishops if stuck behind the chain. Avoid this disadvantage.
  7. Pawns cannot move backwards. Sometimes the opponent will deliberately lure you to advance your pawns to create weaknesses in your pawn structure. So think carefully before pushing them forward.
  8. Pawns in front of your castled king are there to guard the king. Try to avoid breaking up their line unless you have planned to launch a king-side attack with those.
  9. Check the possibility of getting a passed pawn and then defending it. A passed pawn becomes a thorn in the opponent’s flesh and even when it fails to become a queen, it can gain you significant material advantage through opponent’s efforts to neutralize it.
  10. Passed pawns in rook’s file are weaker than passed pawns in other files in the end game as it is easier for the opponent’s king to block the pawn in rook file.


  1. Knights play well in complex and locked positions. Assess their value and plan their movement accordingly.
  2. A knight posted on d6 and e6 squares can be a nuisance to your opponent. Try to get them there (with adequate support of course).
  3. Knights play well in the center part of the boards. Try to avoid keeping them at the sides (a- and h-files) unless your tactical plan calls for such positioning.
  4. Knight fork can be a very potent weapon. Creating such possibility can upset the plans of your opponent.
  5. Knights have a relatively poor play in the end game when the board is fairly open but with a number of opponent’s pawns ready to advance.
  6. In the end game, a knight may be helpless in preventing your opponent’s pawns if those are on two sides of the board.


  1. Bishops, if not developed early, may get bogged by your own pawns blocking the diagonals. Be aware of this.
  2. Bishops play well if there are many open diagonals and a bishop pair in such situations can give you a great advantage.
  3. For above reasons, bishops are more helpful in the end game.
  4. If your bishop can control the long diagonal towards your opponent’s castled position, it can give you considerable leverage in your attack on the king.
  5. If you have only a single bishop in the end game, half the squares on the board are inaccessible to it. But with a few linked pawns of your own, a bishop can be a great help to support your pawn march and delay your opponent’s pawn advance (if you can position it in time).
  6. In the end game, a bishop can be better than a knight if the pawns are at two sides of the board.
  7. In general, bishop pair is more advantageous than the knight pair during the end game.


  1. Rooks, like bishops, plays better if there are some open files.
  2. Try to take control of open files with your rooks. Two rooks in same open file provide a lot of opportunities for attack.
  3. Rook positioned in the 7th or 8th row becomes a headache for the opponent. Two rooks on that row can often provide mating attack or gain of material.
  4. Two rooks with lots of maneuvering space can often stand up to the opponent’s queen, particularly when minor powers and pawns are absent in the end game. You will find many games in chess archives where one player has given up the queen in exchange for two rooks.
  5. In endings with where you have King, Rook and Pawn against King and Rook, your rook should be behind the pawn and your king should be next to the pawn to get a win.


  1. Even though it is the strongest piece, it needs a rook or some minor pieces for its most effective use.
  2. Avoid taking the queen too far out during the openings as it is likely to get ‘harassed’ by opponent’s minor pieces to cause you a loss of tempo.


  1. Always a liability, is it? It becomes more so, if it is at its original position. Aim to castle at the earliest opportunity.
  2. Both kings castled on the same side normally do not get an immediate early attack. You have to maneuver through the Queen’s side. But castled on the opposite sides allow both players to launch direct attack through pawn advances.
  3. Kings come into their own in the end game with major pieces removed from the board. Try to keep king near your pawn group for their advance. Be aware of the ‘Square” and ‘opposition’.
  4. In the endings with King and Pawn vs. King, make the king lead the pawn, not the other way.
  5. Make yourself familiar with the standard strategies for handling different types of endings with pawns, minor pieces, rooks etc. Learn to identify situations that may give win or only a draw.


  1. Initial pawn movements facilitate the development of your minor pieces. Do not get distracted from this objective.
  2. In the opening phase, avoid moving the same piece twice (unless forced to do so and learn to avoid those kinds of positions). It loses you tempo.
  3. You gain tempo when you can achieve two objects in one move. For example, a pawn move may attack some piece while opening a line for your own pieces. Look for such opportunities.
  4. Try to seize control of the center (d4, d5, e4, e5 squares) as this will give you more play and better attacks. Of course, some opening strategy, particularly for black), may deliberately surrender some control in the center to gain more play in the flanks to neutralize opponents advantage.
  5. Don’t be greedy! Sometimes you may find an easy pawn to pick up but it may be a trap (‘poisoned pawn’). Accepting it will often allow the opponent to launch a powerful attack and often the best way to neutralize is to return that material instead of trying to hold on to it.
  6. Do not launch a premature attack. Develop your pieces such that they coordinate well with one another and then plan your attack. Unless you do this, you may find your attack to lose steam and that may put you at a disadvantage.
  7. A locked center (your and opponent’s pawns facing each other without being able to capture any) restricts movement of pieces in the center and thus facilitates flank attack without fear of counter-play at the center. Keep this possibility in mind.
  8. Check which of the opponent’s pieces is controlling the play. Try to capture it at the earliest.
  9. Exchanging your inactive piece with a similar but active piece of the opponent gives you an advantage. Try to avoid such exchange if the reverse is true.
  10. When in trouble, remember that attack is often the best form of defense. Look for such possibility.
  11. Since coordination of pieces gives advantage, try to cut off communication between opponent’s pieces e.g. by advancing a supported pawn in the opponent’s line of communication.
  12. Be aware of pins and how to create one. Properly handled, they can yield significant advantage.
  13. When cornered in the end game, look for opportunities to get into a position allowing stalemate and draw. Sometimes, a piece sacrifice may offer you this opportunity in an otherwise desperate situation. When you have an upper hand, guard against the opponent taking this route to draw the game.
  14. Whatever openings you normally adopt, learn the ideas behind the moves and the targets to be achieved. Without this focus, you will only create weaknesses for yourself.
  15. In general, King’s pawn openings lead to more open games and direct attacks on the king. Queen’s pawn openings create somewhat closed positions that need more maneuvering and positional play to launch indirect attacks.


Will those winning strategies really help me to win?

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Well, the strategies are good practices which can create advantages to you, but how you convert those advantages into a win depends a lot on your tactics and the quality of your opponent’s play. Concrete examples from master play will give you some idea about what I am saying.

In the first example, try to count the number of violations of the winning strategies in Black’s play! White was a champion of his times, so he immediately hands black a short and sweet (or is it bitter?) lesson and the game is over in the opening phase itself!

Here are the moves:

1. d4 d5  
2. e4 Nc6  
3. exd5 Qxd5  
4. Nc3 Qd8  
5. Nf3 Bg4  
6. d5 Ne5  


Position after 6 moves.

paying price for strategic errors

7. Nxe5! Bxd1  
8. Bb5+ c6  
9. dxc6 Resigns  


Black resigned because heavy loss of material was inevitable.

How many violations of strategies can you identify in black’s play? Did black try to create a supported pawn structure? How many pieces he moved twice in the opening phase? Did he try to develop minor pieces on king side? Did he think of castling? Was he trying to launch a premature attack? Do I make my point?

Now we look at an end game to see the importance of tactics for converting a small advantage into a win (actually a failure to do so). This is one of the classics in chess for tactical lessons.

The boards position was as follows:

8;8;1KP5;3r4;8;8;8;k7 – White to play.

If you don’t understand this short-hand (Forsyth) notation, refer to any basic book on chess or write to us for explaining it. Here is also the diagram to show it.

Saavedra position

There are only 4 pieces on board – White king and pawn, Black king and rook. The ‘queening’ threat from the passed pawn neutralizes the rook. So in actual play, the players agreed to a draw after a few moves as it seems that Black’s rook can always be exchanged with White’s pawn (or the promoted queen).

But later analysis showed that White had a winning method available with precision play. First try to find it on your own and if you cannot, take a look at the sequence of moves that gives a win to White.

1. c7 Rd6+  
2. Kb5! Rd5+  
3. Kb4 Rd4+  
4. Kb3 Rd3+  
5. Kc2! Rd4!  


White has achieved the position where the pawn cannot be stopped from ‘queening’ and the rook cannot capture it. But Black found a way where he can sacrifice the rook and get a draw through stalemate. If 6. c8=Q then 6. … Rc4+ 7. Qxc4 Stalemate!

But White has a trick up his sleeve …

6. c8=R!! threatening mate on next move.

If now 6. … Rc4+, White simply plays 7. Rxc4 and there is no stalemate and White mates on next move.

If instead 6. … Ra4, White plays 7. Kb3 and Black cannot handle the twin threat of losing the rook and the checkmate. Quite beautiful, isn’t it?

Remember this theme of under-promotion and keep it in mind before claiming your Queen for a promoted pawn. It may occur rarely, but sometimes this may be the only way to win!


4 endgame situations and what they hold for you

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All chess games are different in the middle phase but in the end game, you will often find fairly close similarities in many games, may not be in the exact positions of the pieces but in the themes that occur. Chess analysts have identified certain standard techniques to deal with these themes from either player’s point of view.

These techniques help in two ways: the quickest way to corner the opponent or the best way (and sometimes the only way) you can gain advantage over your opponent. If you know these techniques, you don’t have to waste your time in analyzing the sequence of moves but know straightaway whether something will work or not. By just looking at the pieces and their positions, you know if it is a drawn game or if it can give you a winning position. But just recognizing a winning possibility is not enough, you often need to play a very precise sequence of moves to convert the possibility into a reality.

In describing the techniques, it is presumed that you have the white pieces. If you have black, just reverse the positions.

1. Be aware of the Square in King and Pawn vs. King:

When you have only pawn endings, the winning strategy obviously is to get at least one pawn to reach the last row for ‘queening’ before your opponent does. In some situations, it may be possible for your pawn to do that without any help but in others, it needs the assistance from your King to guard against the opponent’s King. If the former is possible, you don’t need to move your King around and you reach your goal in less number of moves. So how do you know if that is possible? Here you have to be aware of the Square.

From the square where your pawn is standing, imagine a diagonal line to the end (eighth) row. Diagonal towards the right or towards the left? (This question will not arise if the pawn is in rook’s file). Towards the right if the black king is on the right side of the pawn, towards the left if black king is on that side. Visualize a Square which has this line as its diagonal. If it is your move and the black king is outside the Square, your pawn is out of reach of black king and will become a Queen if you just keep it moving forward. If black has the move but the king cannot step inside the Square, then also your pawn is safe. In all other positions of black King, the pawn needs your King’s support.

The following diagram should help in understanding the concept of the Square. With White to move, Black King cannot capture the Pawn. With Black to move, Black King can step into the square to prevent the Pawn promotion.

the Square

2. Be aware of ‘opposition’

If you can move your king to a square which is just one square away from black’s king in the same file or in the same row or in the same diagonal, you have the opposition. It is now black king’s turn to move and it has to move sideways or backward. Either way, it yields control of some squares to white king. If black king can do the same and it is your turn to move, then black has the opposition. By having opposition, you gain additional control as noted above. This assumes importance in King and Pawn vs. King endings to have the possibility of ‘queening’ your pawn. (Since we are discussing basic techniques, we will not talk about distant opposition).


In the diagram position, neither King can move into the crossed-out squares.

If it is Black’s move now, then White has the Opposition.

But if Black has, say, a pawn that can be pushed forward when White has only the King (or has a pawn that is blocked), then Black gains the opposition by moving his pawn as White King has to move now and can only do so sideways or backward.

3. King and Pawn vs. King (in the Square)

You will have to play it out on a board or (or on a PC with chess playing software). I will just mention the basic principle. You must make your king lead the pawn. Your aim is to arrive at the following position (with Black king trying its best to block your pawn).

pawn promotion using opposition

Black king on e8, your pawn on e4, your king has just moved to e6 getting the opposition. Black king has to move now.

The sequence of moves will be:

1. Kd8  
2. e5 Ke8  
3. Kd6 Kd8  
4. e6 Ke8  
5. e7 Kf7  
6. Kd7 Kf6  
7. e8=Q  


In the same starting situation for the kings but Black having the opposition, pawn will still become queen provided it was on e5. The sequence will be like above starting from the 3rd step.

If the pawn is a rook’s pawn, the tactics will be a little different. You have to position your king in such a way that Black king cannot enter into the corner square.

In all other positions, Black can draw with precise play by maintaining opposition.

To be able to promote the Pawn, assuming it has its King’s support, the principle is:
when the pawn moves to its rank 7, if it does not create a check on the enemy King, it will promote. If the move to rank 7 gives a check to the enemy King, it will end in a draw.

4. King and Rook vs King

This is fairly easy but if you cannot see the target position, you may be able to checkmate only after creating a record number of moves for this type of situation. You have to utilize the opposition concept with checks by rook to push Black king to one edge. Assuming that you have pushed the Black king to the eighth row, your rook on the 7th row will keep Black king confined to the 8th row. Your king now has to move to a position of opposition to the Black king which will try to deny you the opportunity by moving sideways, say, towards the a8 square. You in turn keep moving your king towards a6 square. When your king is in b6, Black king has to move back from a8 to b8. All you need now is to deliver check by moving the rook to the eighth row.

King and Rook vs King

In the position shown, if White has the move, then Rh8 delivers check mate. If it is Black’s move, then the maneuver as described above will ultimately lead to checkmate.

In our next article, we will examine some more positions.


Humor in Chess

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Chess is one of the most well-researched games and if you are not deterred by those 32 pieces and 64 squares, you are sure to find in chess folklore something to your interest, not necessarily in the games themselves. Well-played games are of course things of prime interest to enthusiasts, but even otherwise you will find interesting stories like the idiosyncracies of players, notable incidents, stories, humors and such like.

Here is one story that I read long time ago and was possibly made up to show why Russians led the world in chess for so long. It concerns Alekhine, one of the legends in chess history and world champion during 1927 to 1935 and 1937 to 1946.

The story goes that Alekhine, a champion by that time, was traveling through the countryside and stopped at a roadside inn for a meal. Nobody there knew about him and Alekhine found that many farmers were playing chess at different tables. One of the farmers sitting by himself asked Alekhine if he would like to join him to play a game or two and Alekhine indulgently agreed just to pass his time. To his utter surprise, Alekhine soon found himself at the losing end. While praising the farmer for his chess skill, Alekhine was curious to know why the farmer had never touched his rooks which could probably make the win even faster. The farmer said with an expression of surprise “You mean you play those pieces also? Here we use those as corner markers.”

4 myths (depending on what you believe) on the game of chess

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Myth 1:

Chess is an idle person’s game – it is for people who hate any form of physical efforts.


To go up the rating scales, you need to win many tournaments and you cannot do so unless you are physically fit and mentally alert. Mikhail Tal in his heyday was regarded as a magician of chess, so brilliant were his combinatory skills in the middle game. But his reign at the top (as world champion) was short-lived and even though he continued to win other tournaments in his relatively short life of 56 years, the results were not consistent. All this because he had a kidney problem and could not take the strain of the long series of games required in tournaments. The amount of physical strain undergone by top level chess players was amply illustrated when Karpov lost weight by about 10kg (can you believe it?) at the end of his matches with Kasparov in 1984-85.

Myth 2:

Chess is an old man’s game – retired people who have nothing else to do play chess to pass their time.


There have been about 15 players who became grandmasters before they were 15 years old, the youngest (Sergey Karjakin) achieving it at a ripe old age of 12 years 7 months! Kasparov became World Champion at the age of 22.

Myth 3:

With so many bright young players around, you cannot expect to hold ground when you are past 50.


Provided one remains physically and mentally active, you can give a lesson or two to many players half your age. Victor Korchnoi was a World Championship candidate at the age of 60 (though he did not win it) and even at the age of 78, remains an active grandmaster in tournament circuits. Mikhail Botvinnik won several World Championships, the last one at the age of 50 against a player of the caliber of Mikhail Tal who was just half his age!

Myth 4??

The next World Champion will be a computer.


Till the second Deep Blue computer from IBM in 1997 won a 6 match game (2 wins, 1 loss, 3 draws) against the then World Champion Gary Kasparov, no computer had prevailed against a grandmaster. With its reported ability to analyse 200 million positions per second, the win could be considered as a result of brute force! Besides, I feel that to gain an immense publicity, IBM did not play fair in their eagerness to win. In all chess tournaments, records of the moves by players are kept (you can see what Paul Morphy played in the 1850s!) and it is a common practice for all top players to analyze the games of their opponents to decide on their own game plan. IBM had access to all games played by Kasparov but when Kasparov wanted to see the records of earlier games by Deep Blue, IBM refused to comply and they also declined When Kasparov wanted to have a rematch later. All in all, it is still man over machine.