Tag Archives: chess pieces

Middle game tactics: Moving the worst piece first is a good idea

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The Middle game part in the game of chess is the place where most of the tactics are tried and effectively deployed. This is so because, it is in this stage that the major and minor pieces of both the players would be battling for control over the squares. As you might be aware, tactics are a series of less than three moves at a stretch aimed at a positional advantage and/or thwarting the plans of the opponent. In most of the cases, the tactical moves planned by a player might not fully materialize due to the defensive moves or counter attacking moves of the opponent. So, there would be a series of tactics that might be required to be calculated and assessed by the player before effectively deploying it into action.

It is quite possible in such occasions that one gets caught in a dilemma as to which piece to move or how to initiate a tactical ploy to gain advantage over the opponent. It is in this context that assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the major and minor pieces at work in the board should be assessed, and the least effective piece in the board should be considered as the starting point of a tactical ploy. The process of identifying the weak piece is not a one-time affair in the game. The positions keep changing quite frequently and it is essential that the idea of identifying the relative weakness in the pieces is constantly reviewed and tactics are planned accordingly so that one can have an edge over the opponent.

Let us try to explore this concept a little deeper with the help of a game played in 1995 between two grandmasters, and see how the concept works out.

The position of the game after 26 moves by White is given hereunder, and it is the turn of Black to make a move.


A casual look at the board reveals that the Black has two bishops as against one of White. White, however, has an additional Knight and also one extra pawn. Despite a pawn down, black has a good position on the board, and a fair chance for launching the attack. The light squared bishop is threatening the white knight at a3, and at the same time providing cover for the pawn at f3. Now the dilemma is which is the piece to be moved. It is evident that the rook at f8 is not so effective, and there is not much room for moving any of the pawns.

The game continued as follows with the black preferring to move his weak rook at f8.

26. …. Rg8
27. Rg1 …. Sensing the ploy that blacks light squared bishop might threaten the white king with a check on g2, the rock has been moved for additional cover.
27. …. Rxg1
28. Kxg1 …. Black preferred to exchange his rook

The position in the board after White’s 28th move is given below:


As has been stated earlier, it is not necessary that the idea of identifying the worst piece should be a one-time affair. It has to be looked for constantly to have better control over the overall board and also an edge over the opponent. Now, we need to once again identify the weak piece or the piece that can be ideally considered for the next move. The light-squared bishop is exerting pressure on the White King restricting his move to only two of the four possible moves, and the dark-squared bishop is protecting the pawn at f3. It is obvious that the queen should be the one to be moved.

A deep look at the squares reveals that the white square d3 is unprotected. This would be better for the black queen to land in to exert more pressure on the white king. Black decides to execute the plan as follows:

28. …. Qg6+
29. Kh1 Qd3 Mission completed for black
30. Be1 …. White tries to activate his Knight at a3 to c2.

The position after 30 moves of white is given below:


It is the turn of Black to move now. What should he move now? Again the process of identifying the weak piece or ineffective piece needs to be carried out.

It is clear that after White moved his dark-squared bishop from d2 to e1, the threat for the black pawn at f3 is eliminated, and there is no need for the dark-squared bishop at d6 to provide cover for the f3 pawn. As such, the weak piece or ineffective piece now turns out to be the dark-squared bishop.

30. …. Be7
31. Nc2 Bh4
32. Nb4 Qd1

The game is almost over for White. The decision to move the dark-squared bishop from d6 to e7 and then follow it with a move to h4 (Bh4) is too good for white to handle, and as such lost the initiative. The end game is more of a formality now, with black firmly in control.

Analysis of the positions and the relative strengths and weaknesses should precede any tactical ploys, and this game is a best example for this useful trick, which might turn out to be so handy in the middle game.

The Value Of Chess Pieces

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In the game of chess, it develops by players exchanging pieces on the board depending on the type of move executed by either side. For example, you might move a piece of queen, and your opponent moves to capture your king. One tactic that comes in handy when playing a game of chess is that more valuable pieces such as the king and queen should be guarded as they hold a higher value than other pieces in the collection.

When considering executing a move, one of the factors to consider is how valuable is the piece you want to capture, you should look out if there are pieces available with higher value for capture and go for these instead. By conquering more of valuable pieces, you get the advantage of having more material and a significant edge over your opponent.

As you move in towards your enemy, a good strategy is to make moves that give you a chance to attack and capture more of your opponent’s pieces, while minimizing this from taking place on your side. The type of piece to capture is important as each has a significant value to the game and the more valuable pieces you capture, the higher the chances of you calling for a checkmate.

The king is the most valuable piece in the game of chess. You can never exchange the king for another piece. Its value is infinite. Therefore, while executing your game this piece should be the most guarded and using it wisely can give you an early win. In case the king is captured, this is considered as a checkmate and the game is over.

The queen has a significant amount of value and is second to the king. One queen is equivalent to 9 pawns. It is also equivalent to two rooks. Another benefit of the queen is that it is a long range piece and can move in either direction. Guard your queen well; also use the piece to carry out multiple attacks on your opponent’s pieces when the chance opens.

Rooks are also valuable. A single rook is equivalent to 5 pawns; they are worth slightly less than two minor pieces. They symbolize chariots and can be used in fortifying one’s pieces. In the game of chess, they are the pieces that look like a mobile building.

The bishops and the knight make up the minor pieces; either one of this piece is equivalent to three pawns. The knights are the pieces that have a similarity to the horse
The bishops carry a symbolism of bishops and they are the pieces that have a tall hat. In the game of chess, their look has seen a significant amount of change over the years. There are other collections of chess that gives the bishops a higher value than the knights.

Pawns make up the majority of pieces in the game of chess. They are considered to have a basic value of one and they are used to give significance and value to other pieces in the game.